BeadandButton Class Catalog - Classes by Jamie and Sara

I was thrilled to see my BeadandButton Class Catalog in the mail. Both Jamie Hogsett and I will be teaching classes for designs in our new book Show Your Colors that comes out in February 2012.

by Jamie Hogsett
Fri. June 8 • 5:00pm-8:00pm - (3 hours)
Level: All Levels - Maximum Class Size: 12 - Class Fee: $130.00

Description: Looking for a fun way to use colored beading wire in your jewelry designs? Create this sparkling crystal bangle using three colors of flexible beading wire, Swarovski bicones, and a four peg knitting spool! No experience with the knitting spool is necessary. Students will learn how to use the tool and practice knitting before starting the piece. Customize your bracelet by using different knitting stitches and by adding crystals in different patterns. Finish your bracelet with cones and a toggle clasp using simple crimping techniques. 

Materials in Kit: Knitting spool, Soft Flex flexible beading wire, Swarovski bicones, toggle clasp, cones, crimp tubes. Portions of this kit are underwritten by Soft Flex Company.

Sara Hardin Oehler
Wed. June 6 • 4:00pm-7:00pm - (3 hours)
Level: All Levels - Maximum Class Size: 12 - Class Fee: $95.00

Description: Mix it up with this unique bracelet design using colored beading wire and craft wire. Students will create shapes with craft wire using a Wig Jig and learn tips for work-hardened wire. Then weave the colored beading wire through the craft wire shapes to make this one-of-a-kind design. To finish off the bracelet, you'll learn everything you need to know about crimping.

Materials in Kit: Soft Flex beading wire in three colors, Soft Flex 20-gauge silver craft wire, 3 x 3 mm crimp tubes, two-strand clasp. A portion of this kit is underwritten by Soft Flex Company.